Keeping my head up when things are rough is hard. I will admit I had a pity party last night, but today I will keep my head up and accept that sometimes things are out of my control. Sometimes no matter how hard I work at something or how much effort I put forth things may not work out in my favor. Two weeks ago I turned in a resume and letter for promotion to Detective Lieutenant. I have been a Detective since 2008 with a 1 year leave of absence. I also have a degree and 2 years of experience as a Patrol Officer. The other person whom I considered my real competition started in investigations a year after I did, but has about 8 years of experience as a Patrol Officer. He does not have a degree. The job title says degree preferred, but experience can be substituted. I kind of considered us somewhat equal going into the interviews. Our interview board consists of 5 Lieutenants and a Captain. We had the questions before hand to work...
I was told by a coworker who is former military that I will be "The worst army wife ever". I am proud to say he was right!